Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Trading the Emotions

Have you guys ever wondered how much fun emotional banking would be? When I feel too happy I walk into the bank and deposit some joy. Happiness becomes credit and each time you are sad you can simply "debit" your bank account and get some happiness back. If you have ever been at that point where you see all your efforts go down the drain, when you look at all you have put into that business, into that friendship, into that boyfriend, into that job and you watch it all sinking away......times when you could just go into your wallet, take out that shiny emotional ATM card, insert it in a machine and get some little change just to get by for the now.

It makes me wonder how painful it must be for people who have lived and loved each other in a marriage ( and please 72 days does not qualify as one oh) for years, most especially when it is one party who is suddenly fed up and can no longer live the "lie" anymore. Picking up the pieces my dear friends is one of the most difficult things to do, it is one of those times in a person's life when you would like to say I am emotionally buoyant. Sometimes I wonder what actually hurts the most, is it the time? or the energy? ( I can hear some people shout BOTH!) or is it the fact that someone or something as the case may be you have shared you life with for the past years  is just about to go down the drain.

In the stock exchange that is human relationships emotions are traded everyday, sadly its is commodity with so many different variants and traded away all too cheaply. There are some who are masters by nature, they are talented, they put in little or nothing to get massive returns from others. Swaying the market in the bullish or bearish direction whenever they please. They play the less skilled who are foolishly lured to make investments that would yield big returns only for them to watch their time energy and money go down the drain just like that.

There is a large host of us though who sit back and study the market, or by chance came across some very good stock at the time. We sit and nurture it for years, watching every single candle burn with excitement and  even though they were some low shadows these stocks were always on the ascendency. Till that day comes when we make a silly mistake or for no fault of ours we watched as the stock went down, watched our years of suffering go down the drain just like that.

After days (or weeks or years) of mourning we realize once again that we have run low in emotional funds, and it is time to do the gamble again. We look in the mirror and tell ourselves that we would never make that mistake again for anything in the world, we look around find that stock that had all the qualities we think was missing in our previous portfolio and once again we delve into exchange market. Is it a game of chance or do the winners know how to calculate every move?
How well is your portfolio of emotions doing?
